Bancassurance in India is a phenomenon, which integrates banking and insurance sector for insurance distribution and it still remains largely unexplored in the academic arena. There is a complex relationship in this triangular business proposition and number of factors influence the execution of bancassurance. The present study was carried out with the objective, to analyse the extent of awareness, customer preference to avail bancassurance and the satisfaction of bancassurance services rendered by the banks. The dependent variable of level of awareness was analysed by studying the association between the duration of relationship of customers with the banks and the frequency of visits to banks and it was found significant. Among sources of information, “bank staffs” are the major source to customers for attaining knowledge about bancassurance and “brochures and other materials’’, supplied by the banks, have also become the major source of knowledge. The analysis reveals that the frequency of visits made by customers to banks significantly prelude the extent of awareness regarding bancassurance. In general, majority of the respondents recorded their satisfaction over the various elements of services offered by banks relating to bancassurance. Respondents were not adequately satisfied with the complaints attended by staff, renewal of policy and amount of premium. In other words, both the customers’ preference for bancassurance and the level of awareness towards bancassurance, exercised significant impact on their level of satisfaction.